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Domestic Violence in the Midst of Divorce: What to Do and Where to Turn for Help

 Posted on July 05, 2016 in Complex Divorce

Texas domestic abuse laws, Texas complex litigation lawyerDivorce can be challenging enough under normal circumstances, but when the issue of domestic violence is also in the picture, the divorce process is even more complex. Whereas typical divorce can involve a mixture of minor or major disagreements about finances, property, and lifestyle arrangements, domestic violence in the midst of divorce brings an entirely different level of fear to the surface for those undergoing separation. Partners are forced to worry about everything from their day-to-day survival, money and how they will support themselves without their partner, and whether or not their family will have a safe place to rest when the dust settles.

Protective Orders

The use of protective orders are critical anytime you feel you or your family are unsafe due to violence in the home. You can request a protective order from the courts and you should always keep it with you. If your spouse violates the order at any time, it is imperative that you call the police right away. Make sure all of your family members, friends, and neighbors are aware that you have a protective order in place. Keeping them informed will ensure that they can assist you in providing additional sets of eyes and ears in the event that your partner violates the order. If the order is violated and you do call the police, it is also important to have a personal safety plan in place, should they not arrive right away. A personal safety plan can include a number of preparations, including the following:

  • Have your own post office box, a bank account in your name, and arrangements for a place you, your children and pets can go to to stay safe should you need to escape;
  • Store a shelter phone number somewhere and keep it with other important items, such as medications, spare cash, and special documents; and
  • Have a bag packed with clothes and toiletries and practice an evacuation plan.

Having these things in place when an order is violated and there is an explosive incident can save you time when you must flee the scene. In Texas, all you need to file a restraining order at the courthouse is your testimony, which the state considers sufficient for evidence. A judge will determine whether or not the order should be extended. This process typically involves a hearing. To ensure your rights are protected and that your safety is priority, you need to enlist the help of an aggressive Round Rock complex litigation attorney. Contact Powers Kerr & Rashidi, PLLC at 512-610-6199 for a consultation today.




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