Spousal Support Lawyers in Austin, Texas

Divorce Attorneys Assisting with Alimony and Spousal Maintenance Issues in Travis County
Texas was the last state in the U.S. to provide for post-divorce spousal support, but Texas law now allows for courts to order such payments in certain circumstances. The attorneys at Powers Kerr & Rashidi, PLLC, can help guide you through what situations may entail the ordering of post-divorce maintenance payments, as well as what payment amounts and durations are possible.
How a Spousal Support Attorney in Austin Can Help
Texas law does not recognize a legal status of "separated" (as it does for "married" and "divorced"), so payment of temporary spousal support can be a critical issue from the outset of any divorce. Knowledgeable family lawyers can be invaluable in preparing arguments and evidence justifying the need for such support for their clients. They will work closely with you to develop a full accounting of your expenses and income—but, this is only the beginning of the process.
Effective spousal support attorneys must also be able to help you prove to a judge that you have limited future earning potential. Perhaps your contributions to the marriage have consisted of caring for the home and children. Or maybe you have assisted your spouse's education or career at the expense of your own training needed to secure future employment. In these and other situations, you will need a skilled advocate on your side to justify the need for ordering of spousal support.
Contact an Experienced Spousal Support Lawyer in Austin
You should not assume that you will automatically qualify to receive financial support from your spouse after divorce. Instead, you will need to ensure that you have sufficient, appropriate evidence to back up your claims. Our Austin, Texas divorce lawyers have the requisite experience to help you present the detailed financial accounting you will want to justify your request for spousal support.
Our attorneys have over 50 years' worth of combined experience in resolving spousal support and other family law issues. Contact our Austin law firm today at 512-610-6199, and speak with someone about how we can guide you toward your best possible financial future.