Financial Stress Leads to an Increase in Domestic Violence
Posted on February 28, 2014 in Family Law
Financial stress and economic downturns may have serious consequences for victims of domestic and family violence. As tensions rise due to financial pressure, victims may be subject to more severe forms of violence, or an increased frequency of violence.
one 2012 study, researchers found that eight out of 10 domestic violence shelters in the United States reported an increase in women seeking help following the economic downturn in 2008. Unfortunately, although demand for help was up, funding for services and prevention efforts were down overall nationwide.
This lead to many abuse victims staying with their abuser for longer periods of time. In fact, 74 percent of victims who participated in the study reported that they stayed with their abuser longer due to economic concerns.
Though the weak economy cannot be blamed for creating abusers, the study did find that it lead to an increase in the frequency and severity of abuse. According to shelters, 70 percent of women listed financial issues as a factor in their abuse, while 45 percent named job loss as a contributing factor.
Unfortunately, these same factors led to the reduction of services by many shelters across the country. Nearly half of all participating shelters reported they had to cut services, with 40 percent of those cuts occurring to services such as transitional housing, individualized support, or advocacy efforts due to financial constraints. Additionally, many shelters were forced to cut child care, which can make it more difficult for abuse victims to find jobs.
Domestic violence is a serious issue. While it can be incredibly stressful and frightening, there are services and help available to you if you are a victim of domestic violence. A qualified attorney can help you with legal concerns, including getting an order of protection if necessary. If you are a victim of domestic violence, contact an AustinĀ
family law attorney today.