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When Child Support Cases Go Wrong

 Posted on July 07,2016 in Child Support

Texas complex litigation attorney, Texas high-asset divorce lawyer,Dealing with child support in the midst of a divorce can go one of two ways: The process can either go smoothly or it gets messy. There is rarely any in-between when it comes to agreeing on arrangements and rights between two parties. While some divorcing spouses make it through the transition seamlessly and with mutual understanding – albeit a few minor bumps in the road – other couples are not quite as fortunate.

Child Support Assistance in the State of Texas

Similar to many states, the Office of the Attorney General in Texas is able to assist divorcing spouses with everything from locating an absentee parent and establishing paternity to establishing, enforcing, and modifying child support orders. The state also helps with medical support orders and collecting and distributing child support money.

Applications for child support are accepted by the Attorney General’s Office from any mother, father, or individual who requests the help. The application process is only the first step, however. The initial application process requires you to present the divorce decree, along with your child’s birth certificate and any documents that provide insight to both you and your spouse’s income and assets. You may be required to provide additional documentation if available, such as an acknowledgement of paternity.

When Cases Turn Messy

Once you have begun the application, the real footwork begins. This is typically where couples run into problems. You may encounter disagreements about everything from support amounts and payment arrangements to child custody and visitation issues. Child support cases tend to stir up disagreements and tension that stem from all facets of the divorce, the relationship, and the family.

What initially seems like an argument over financial matters can suddenly become a quarrel about much more than money. Obtaining child support is one piece of the bigger transition, and additional confusion added by the details of the case, legal jargon, and outside influences such as grandparents and close friends can complicate matters further.

Other problems can arise when one or both parents want to make changes to their child support case. The state does not allow either or both parties to make any changes on their own. That authority is granted only to the court. Even in instances such as these, there are specific grounds for modifications that need to be addressed and examined by the court, such as material or substantial change in the family’s circumstances.

Obtaining child support does not have to be difficult, but you should be prepared to face any complications that might arise throughout the process. Calling on help from an aggressive Williamson County child support attorney can make all the difference in your case and peace of mind. Contact Powers Kerr & Rashidi, PLLC at 512-610-6199 for a consultation today.



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