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Dividing Retirement Funds

 Posted on December 21,2017 in QDROs, Pensions and 401(k)s

Texas family lawyerCouples who are going through a high asset divorce often experience certain difficulties that are not faced by other couples. For instance, because the parties in these situations have a wide range of assets to divide, the dissolution process can become much more difficult, especially if the couple disagrees about who should retain what property. Dividing retirement funds can be particularly complicated, so if you and your spouse are going through a divorce and you have questions or concerns about dividing the contents of a retirement fund or pension, it is critical to speak with an experienced high asset divorce attorney who can ensure that you receive an equitable portion of your family’s assets.

The Importance of Accurate Record-Keeping

Unlike other types of accounts, retirement funds are not always checked on a regular basis. For this reason, many people forget how much has been contributed to their account at any given time. While this may not cause any serious difficulties in a person’s day to day life, it can become a problem during a divorce when having accurate and extensive records of account contributions can be instrumental in determining who will receive what portion of an account’s funds. This is because how a court divides a couple’s property depends on when the assets were accumulated. For instance, property owned prior to marriage will remain in the sole possession of the party who purchased or received it. Assets accumulated during the marriage, including the contents of a retirement account, on the other hand, will be divided equitably between the couple.

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Allegations of Neglect or Abuse

 Posted on December 14,2017 in Child Custody

Texas custody attorneyAlthough most people have heard of Child Protective Services (CPS), not everyone is aware of their function. CPS is a part of the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, which is a state agency put in place to ensure that children in Texas are kept safe from neglect and abuse. When someone reports a parent or guardian to CPS, the agency is required by law to investigate the allegations. Unfortunately, many parents are falsely accused of neglecting their children, which can have a traumatizing effect on minors who are then forced to leave their home. If your child has been removed from your home by CPS, you should contact an experienced complex child custody lawyer who can explain your next steps.

Investigations and Court Hearings

When a person has been reported by CPS, they will be assigned a caseworker who will explain the allegations made against them and create a service plan. Eventually, the child’s parents will be required to attend a series of hearings at a Child Protection Court, where they will have the opportunity to refute the allegations made against them. In some cases, the judge will order that a case be sent to mediation or a family group conference instead of resolving the issues at trial. In either case, within two weeks of the date of the child’s removal, the court will hold an adversary hearing, after which the judge will return the child to their parents or place them with a family member.

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What Should I Do if My Spouse Is Hiding Assets?

 Posted on December 08,2017 in High Asset Divorce

Texas divorce lawyerAlthough going through a divorce usually tends to be an emotional and complex process regardless of a couple’s finances, those with significant assets are faced with unique problems. For instance, many high assets couples have multiple sources of income, including investments, stocks and bonds, and stakes in businesses, as well as a wide variety of valuable assets ranging from paintings and antiques to automobiles and real estate. In these situations, recording and inventorying all of a couple’s assets can be difficult, especially if one of the spouses is attempting to hide assets. In high asset divorces, it is much easier for a spouse to get away with this type of conduct, so if you are considering divorce and are concerned that your spouse has begun to hide assets, please contact a Round Rock high asset divorce attorney who can assess your financial situation and ensure that your interests are protected.

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Standard Possession Orders

 Posted on December 07,2017 in Child Custody

Texas custody attorneyIn Texas, non-custodial parents have the right to interact with their child at certain times. Although there are several types of visitation orders in Texas, one of the most common is the Standard Possession Order (SPO), which is usually utilized when parents cannot agree on a visitation schedule. Although the SPO was specifically designed to be fair and workable to both parents, this type of schedule is not always in a child’s best interests, so if you are going through a divorce and are unable to reach an out-of-court agreement with your spouse regarding custody and visitation, you should consider speaking with an experienced complex child custody lawyer who can help you find a solution that is best for your family.

SPO Schedules

When couples are unable to come to a custody arrangement, the court steps in and creates an agreement that is in the child’s best interests. In many cases, this takes the form of the Standard Possession Order, which generally provides that the possessory, or non-custodial parent has the right to visitation with their child starting at 6:00 p.m. on the first, third, and fifth Friday of each month. This period of visitation ends at 6:00 p.m. the following Sunday. Additionally, the non-custodial parent is granted visitation with the child every Thursday evening for two hours.

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What Is a Conservatorship Under Texas Family Law?

 Posted on November 30,2017 in Child Custody

Texas family lawyerIn Texas, family law courts use the term conservatorship to describe the responsibilities, duties, and rights of parents towards their children. Essentially, the term is used to describe what many other states refer to as custody. There are two types of conservatorship in Texas: sole managing conservatorships and joint managing conservatorships. The type chosen by the courts depends on the specific circumstances of each case, so if you are considering divorce and have questions about your legal rights or duties as a parent and how they could be affected by the dissolution of your marriage, it is important to contact a complex child custody attorney who can address your concerns.

Sole Managing Conservatorships

Parents who are appointed as sole managing conservators are given primary responsibility for raising their child. For example, sole managing conservators can decide where their child will live, can consent to medical treatments, have the right to receive child support payments, and can make decisions regarding their child’s education and employment. Texas courts presume that joint managing conservatorships are in the best interests of a child, so sole managing conservatorships are rare. In most cases, courts will only award one parent sole conservatorship if:

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Grandparent Rights: Can I Visit My Grandchild Against Their Parents’ Wishes?

 Posted on November 23,2017 in Family Law

Texas custody attorneyMany grandparents play a crucial role in their grandchildren’s lives and in some situations, they can continue to do so even after the child’s parents have dissolved their marriage. However, this is not always true, in which case, children may be prevented by one parent from seeing their grandparents. In Texas, it is possible for grandparents to receive a court order allowing them to visit their grandchildren, although obtaining such an order can be a difficult process, especially if one of the child’s parents vehemently opposes visitation, so if you are seeking visitation with your grandchild, it is critical to contact a complex child custody lawyer who has the experience and resources to assist you.

Establishing Standing

Grandparents must have standing before visitation will be granted, which means that they must be able to prove the following:

  • They are the biological parent of one of the child’s biological parents;

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Sharing Custody Over the Holidays

 Posted on November 09,2017 in Child Custody

Texas custody attorneyThe approaching holiday season can be a joyous time for family and friends to reunite and celebrate together. Unfortunately, these festive occasions can become contentious when ex-spouses are unable to come to an agreement about holiday visitation with their children. To help avoid this type of stressful situation, you should consider speaking with an experienced complex child custody attorney who can help you find a solution that is in the best interests of all parties.

Court-Ordered Visitation Schedules

When a couple is unable to come to an out-of-court agreement regarding custody matters, courts are required to step in and create a parenting agreement. In these cases, visitation schedules take the form of either standard possession or expanded standard possession arrangements. Under a standard possession order, the holiday visitation schedule will be set in stone, regardless of the distance between the parents’ residences.

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Child Custody and the Bird's Nest Arrangement

 Posted on October 27,2017 in Child Custody

Texas divorce attorneyThe type of parenting schedule that is best for a family depends on the specific circumstances of each case. For example, the division of parenting time and responsibilities for a family where both parents work full-time may look very different from the arrangement made by another couple, where one of the parents stays home with the kids. Often, finding the correct arrangement is difficult, especially if the children involved are very young.

In recent years, more and more couples with young children are implementing what is commonly referred to as a bird's nest arrangement. Under this model, the couple’s children continue to live in the marital home while the parents take turns sharing it with them according to a predetermined schedule. While the bird's nest arrangement has proven successful for many parents, it is not right for every family, so if you are going through a divorce and are considering implementing this type of custody arrangement, it is critical to first speak with an experienced complex child custody lawyer who can explain the potential advantages and drawbacks of this type of plan.

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Child Support Expenses

 Posted on October 20,2017 in Child Support

Texas child support attorneyWhen some people think about child support expenses, they only consider the costs related to providing food, clothing, and insurance. However, the reality is that child support awards cover not only a child’s basic needs, but also additional expenses. To learn more about what you could be required to pay in child support, please contact one of our experienced child support lawyers for advice.

Calculating Child Support

When deciding how much a parent will be required to pay in child support, courts look at both parties’ incomes, the number of children involved, and all child-related expenses. This includes estimates of the cost of basic necessities, such as food, clothing, housing, and medical care. However, there are usually a number of other expenses associated with raising a child. For example, education-related expenses alone can quickly become overwhelming and could include: private school tuition, uniforms, school supplies, tutors, and fees for after school clubs. These types of costs are usually included in a court’s child support calculation, although other expenses related to recreation, are not always covered. Texas law also does not mandate coverage for a variety of other childcare costs, including expenses for:

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Divorce Mediation

 Posted on October 13,2017 in Divorce

Texas divorce attorneyDissolving a marriage does not necessarily have to be contentious. In fact, many couples are able to come to decisions regarding custody, child support, and property division without a judge’s intervention. When this is possible, it can significantly cut down on expenses, save time, and help protect children from the more emotional aspects of divorce. Mediation is one of the best ways to achieve this type of result, so if you and your spouse are both focused on an amicable divorce, please contact a member of our experienced divorce legal team to learn more about your options.

What Does the Mediation Process Involve?

Mediations are one of the most popular methods of negotiating a divorce settlement and involve a meeting between both parties, their respective lawyers, and a neutral third party. This third party, known as a mediator, is tasked with helping couples resolve the following kinds of issues by facilitating discussion and negotiation:

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